GOODSMILE 2015年4月發售: Action Figure Nendoroid《Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]》Archer: Super Movable Edition 3,700Yen連稅 (Remark: GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP訂購附特典)



Nendoroid Archer: Super Movable Edition

“If you can only live by holding onto that ideal, it shall be your death!”

From the popular anime ‘Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]’ comes a fully articulated Nendoroid of the servant that made a contract with Rin Tohsaka during the 5th Holy Grail War, ‘Archer’! He comes with both a standard expression ready for battle, as well as a shouting expression.

His twin swords ‘Kanshou’ and ‘Bakuya’ are both included for close combat, and his bow is included for long range combat! You can even pose him firing Caladbolg II from the bow! Enjoy all sorts of scenes from the show!

GSC Online Preorder Bonus
Preorders of Nendoroid Archer: Super Movable Edition from the GOOD SMILE ONLINE SHOP will include a Servant Summoning Circle Sheet as a bonus!

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ねんどろいど アーチャー スーパームーバブル・エディション


大人気アニメ『Fate/stay night[Unlimited Blade Works]』より、第五次聖杯戦争にて遠坂凛と契約したサーヴァント「アーチャー」が全身フル可動仕様のねんどろいどで登場!表情パーツには「臨戦顔」と「叫び顔」をご用意。一対の双剣「干将」「莫耶」での白兵戦や、「弓」で「カラドボルグⅡ」を射出するシーンなど、劇中シーンをフル可動でカッコ可愛く再現可能です!

仕様: ABS&ATBC-PVC 塗装済み可動フィギュア・ノンスケール・専用台座付属・全高:約100mm
原型制作: あじけん



「GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP」でのご予約は 2014年12月11日(木)12:00~2015年1月7日(水)21:00まで。

「GOOD SMILE ONLINE SHOP」にて「ねんどろいど アーチャー スーパームーバブル・エディション」をご予約頂いた方に、

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